SEEN Experience 2.0.

A Self-Expressive Brand Strategy system that reveals your unique characteristics and structures your Brand to highlight your strengths.

The Process

Find your real USP

Collaborating with your executives in 4 innovating workshops, we will build a strong foundation combining the functional, emotional and self-expressive assets that come together to form your unique value proposition.

No matter what we say in advertising or social media, at the end of the day your people are the brand. This is the reason that we want them co-creators, to inspire each others, and create something meaninful together.

A collaborative model that enables us to build a tailor made brand for you, together, and make strategy easier to implement.


Service Design

Understanding the Customer

Service design offers in-depth insight into customers’ needs and motivations, which make them want to use specific types of services.

This enables companies to develop emotionally attractive services which improve customer loyalty.

Through activities such as research, affinity mapping, and constructing a service blueprint, Service Design is able to build and ideate a solution that is not only fit-for-purpose but also addresses the end user’s core job to be done.

Brand Strategy

Give form to your brand

Brand strategy is the process of defining the fundamental nature of a brand and expressing it in such a way that it becomes successful.

We will reveal the reason behind the brand, how it will be positioned in the market, and what it aims to achieve.

We will present your company to the world—the why behind what you do and how you do it.

The goal of brand strategy is to solidify your brand’s position in the mind of your target audience.

Brand strategy creates a promise to your customers, establishes a personality and tone of voice for all internal and external communication materials, and helps guide messaging on all marketing activities.


Stories motivate action and change

Storytelling allows us to connect with others. It’s how we communicate our knowledge, our values, our beliefs, our emotions and ourselves to the world.

This is why people connected with Brands.

Together we will create your story that will help your consumers share, connect and be motivated.

The goal is to provide a way to communicate with others, to share ideas, to create empathy and understanding, to inspire action.

Competition Mapping

Deconstruct competition

At every point, it is critical for your people to develop a clear, yet deep view of the market.

Through the evaluation of your competition’s online and offline branding initiatives, we uncover trends and opportunities.

The objective is to help you select a succesful position, and discover threats and market gaps in order to deliver value to your customers.

Reasons Why

Why SEEN Experience 2.0

Employee involvement

We build your tailor made strategy together. We create bonds and facilitate strategy application since your people are co-creating the project.


We focus on your client needs, desires, problems and pain-points. We show empathy, solve real problems and demonstrate our care for your customer.


We create a story based on your reality, that speaks directly to people’s hearts, inspires them, and helps them connect with your beliefs and values.

Think like a brand. act as a brand. be a brand. Think like a brand. act as a brand. be a brand.

Your greatest story hasn’t been told, yet.

Let's make it together